A Sea-Change is Underway in Central Banks Attitude to Gold

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1oz NZ Mint Gold Kiwi coins at spot plus 2.75%.

Gold Kiwi Coin

Minimum purchase 10 coins

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This Week:

  • Big Changes in the Silver Market This Week
  • The Coming Great Wealth Transfer
  • A Sea-change is Underway in Central Banks Attitude to Gold

Prices and Charts

Change from last weeks gold and silver prices
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Buying Back 1oz NZ Gold 9999 Purity $1682
Buying Back 1kg NZ Silver 999 Purity $763

NZ Dollar Plunges – Shields Local Gold & Silver Prices

The Kiwi Dollar didn’t manage to stay above the 50 and 200 day moving averages (MA). This week it plunged over 3%. But now it is very oversold on the RSI and also below the lower Bollinger band, so odds favour a decent bounce higher any day now.

NZ Dollar Chart

The falling Kiwi has held up local gold and silver prices. While the USD price of gold has fallen almost every day this week, the weaker Kiwi pushed the NZD gold price up to just touch the 200 day MA. But it has pulled back from there today. With the NZ Dollar so oversold and due to bounce, we’d expect the NZD gold price to finally pull back from here. Keep a look out for the $1700 level as a possible buy zone.

NZ Dollar Gold Chart

Silver has fallen more than gold. So even the much weaker Kiwi hasn’t stopped the local NZD silver price from falling this week. It wouldn’t surprise us to see silver fall further yet also.

NZ Dollar Silver Chart

Rickards: Why Gold Will Go Higher Even if the Fed Raises Rates

One of the reasons given this week when gold took a tumble was Janet Yellen talking up the odds of a further hike in US interest rates. But this week Jim Rickards explained why he believes gold will still go higher even in the face of another Fed rate increase.

“There’s only a small amount of gold backing these markets. Think of an inverted pyramid, with a small amount of gold at the bottom supporting a vast amount of paper gold contracts on top.

So the paper market is not an honest reflection of the physical gold market.

And there’s no question that the paper gold market has been manipulated downwards. That’s not a conspiracy theory. I’ve spoken to expert witnesses in some of the pending litigation involving price manipulation. These are PhD statisticians who’ve looked at 20 years of data and tell me there’s no question that the paper gold market is being manipulated.

Who’s behind it, and their motivation, is a matter of some speculation. But more importantly, gold has been moving higher despite higher interest rates and price suppression through the paper gold market.

That tells me we’re seeing a flight to quality, meaning people are losing confidence in central banks all over the world. They realize the banks are out of bullets. They’ve been printing money for eight years and keeping rates close to zero or negative. But it still hasn’t worked to stimulate the economy the way they want.

So gold has been moving up in what I would consider a challenging environment of higher rates and a manipulated paper market.

…So the Fed’s raising rates in the face of a weak economy. That will become obvious and by April or May the Feds going to have to reverse course.

What’s going to happen when the Fed reverses in April or May?

Gold’s going to go higher again, because people are going to realize the Fed can’t raise rates even though they want to. They’ll have to cheapen the dollar again, and that’s very bullish for gold.

To sum it all up, I’m very impressed with the present gold action because it should be going down based on higher rates and price suppression of the paper gold market. But it’s not, it’s rising.

So I expect gold to really take off in the spring.”


On top of Rickards thoughts, there is also clear historical precedent for gold to go up when interest rates are increased by the Fed. This table care of Bullionvault clearly shows that gold rises in the months following a Fed rate hike. Particularly 3 months and 12 months later. Plus the average percentage move in the 12 months following (7.2%) is also higher than the average for all months and even after interest rate cuts.

Table showing impact on gold of fed rate hikes

Source. This goes against whatever you’ll hear in the mainstream about rising interest rates being bad for gold. Anyone saying this clearly doesn’t look at history. Just take the 1970’s for example where interest rates went extremely high – but so did gold. On the topic of the fed interest rate increase and the US debt ceiling, Bill Bonner had another excellent article this week.

“…we can be clear about what the Fed won’t do… There will be no big surprise coming from that quarter either: the Fed will only raise rates to the extent that it is irrelevant. In its meeting, the members of the Fed’s policy setting committee, the FOMC, will vote on whether to raise rates one-quarter of a percentage point. We don’t know which way that will go. But we know it won’t matter. Because if it did matter, they wouldn’t do it. That’s really what Ms. Yellen means by “appropriate.” It will only be appropriate if it doesn’t cause or exacerbate a correction; that is, they will only raise rates as long as it doesn’t interfere with the debt bubble. If the Fed’s “data” appear weak… and even a tiny increase might prick the bubble… there’ll be no rate increase.”

And on the debt celing:

“The feds are running up against their debt ceiling.

There again, the sound and fury will sell newspapers. Democrats will fume. Republicans will fret. But it will be essentially meaningless agitprop.

All of the main players are firmly committed to more spending. They won’t let prudent legislation or a $20 trillion deficit stand in their way.

Here’s pseudonymous blogger Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge:

“While in recent weeks there has been a material increase in Fed balance sheet normalization chatter, according to a new report from Deutsche Bank analysts, it may all be for nothing for one simple reason: should the U.S. encounter a recession in the next several years, the most likely reaction by the Fed would be another $1 trillion in QE, delaying indefinitely any expectations for a return to a “normal” balance sheet.”

No return to “normal.” Not voluntarily. Empires don’t back up. And bubbles don’t prick themselves.”


Continues below


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Big Changes in the Silver Market This Week

There have been some significant changes in the silver market this week.

No, we’re not talking about the price dropping sharply on a couple of days.

Rather, changes to how or in fact who, sets the silver price.

In the piece above by Jim Rickards, he discussed how manipulated and suppressed the paper gold market is. But, perhaps the silver market, a much smaller market, is even more so.

CME and Thomson Reuters suddenly announced their withdrawal from the setting of the LBMA (London Bullion Market Association) daily silver benchmark price this week.

We’ve written an article looking at this news, but also other developments this week in the silver market that hint that the shackles may just be getting loosened from silver at the moment.

Big Changes in the Silver Market This Week

Changes in Silver MAket

US Treasury Sell-Off and A Sea-change is Underway in Central Banks Attitude to Gold

We have an article on the website this week that details how many major nations have become net sellers of US government bonds the past 2 years. This could have implications on interest rates in the US which will also flow on worldwide. The conclusion is also reached that these central banks may turn to gold even more than they have in the years since the financial crisis.

A Massive Sell-Off Has Begun…

A Massive Sell-Off Has Begun

Coincidentally Alasdair Macleod of GoldMoney also reaches a similar conclusion in an article this week:

“Most exporting nations accumulating foreign currency reserves are turning into sellers of dollars. This is either for strategic reasons, such as in the case of Russia and China, or because their commercial interests are becoming increasingly aligned with Sino-Russian trade policies. China, Russia, Japan and the Middle East are therefore all future sellers of the dollar, and of the underlying US Treasuries and T-bills in their possession. All other central banks will also be aware of these developments by now, and should be re-examining their exposures accordingly.

The coming months will almost certainly see a further deterioration of the Eurozone’s survival prospects, and an objective analysis must embrace the consequences of its demise and that of the whole euro financial system. The only way capital flight within the system can be reconciled is by a systemic collapse. That puts two major reserve currencies on the sell list of most central banks: the dollar and the euro.

Together, they are the world’s reserve currency and the currency for the world’s next largest economic area. They account for 40% of the world’s GDP, the part that represents the world of yesterday. Therefore, there is a sea-change underway in nearly all central banks attitude to gold, if only because other than the yen, yuan, sterling and the Swiss franc, what else is there?”


Central Banks have been net buyers of gold for many years now, and this move out of US treasuries and the troubles in the Eurozone indicates this won’t be changing anytime soon. The Reserve Bank of NZ still has zero gold and is unlikely to have any in the future. So why not become your own central bank and create your own gold (and silver) reserve? You can call, email or order online for a quote. There are still some of the excellently priced Gold Kiwi’s left.

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This Weeks Articles:

Big Changes in the Silver Market This Week

Wed, 8 Mar 2017 1:40 PM NZST

There have been a number of mostly under the radar developments in the silver market over the past few days. There are a couple of videos worth watching plus a couple of articles that are worth reading as well. We’ve summarized them below. The bottom line seems to be that the shackles are slowly being […]

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The Coming Great Wealth Transfer

Tue, 7 Mar 2017 2:05 PM NZST

Chris Martenson is back with another excellent article summarizing the current wealth transfer. (Here’s his last article in case you missed it: The Mother of All Financial Bubbles) Learn about the 4 steps of financial repression. Because if you know what the elite’s plan is, you can make your own plan to counteract theirs… The […]

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A Massive Sell-Off Has Begun…

Mon, 6 Mar 2017 1:42 PM NZST

There is a lot of talk about the possibility of an impending stock market sell off. (May be a good reason why one will not come just yet perhaps?). But there is a sell off going on currently pretty much unnoticed which could have a much bigger impact globally. Read on to learn what it […]

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Who is Roota?” – Bix Weir’s Anarchapulco Presentation Part 1

Fri, 3 Mar 2017 1:27 PM NZST

Bix Weir gives a summary of his presentation from Jeff ’Berwick’s Anarchapulco Conference on this week. Weir has what to some will seem like really “out there” theories on who is behind the manipulation of financial markets. It’s tough to summarise 13 years of research into a few minutes but he has a good crack […]

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No Demand For Physical Gold and Silver in NZ – Contrarian Signal?

Thu, 2 Mar 2017 2:43 PM NZST

No Demand For Physical Gold and Silver in NZ Contrarian Signal

Special Offer: While Stocks Last 1oz NZ Mint Gold Kiwi coins at spot plus 2.75% Minimum purchase 10 coins Delivered and fully insured for $18,075 Reply to this email or phone David on 0800 888 465 This Week: A Visual Guide to Bullion Banking PM Market Manipulation – How it Might End Low Physical Buying […]

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As always we are happy to answer any questions you have about buying gold or silver. In fact, we encourage them, as it often gives us something to write about. So if you have any get in touch.

  1. Email: orders@goldsurvivalguide.co.nz
  2. Phone: 0800 888 GOLD ( 0800 888 465 ) (or +64 9 2813898)
  3. or Online order form with indicative pricing

7 Reasons to Buy Gold & Silver via GoldSurvivalGuide
Today’s Prices to Buy
1oz NZ 99.99% pure gold bar
1oz NZ Gold Ingot
1kg NZ 99.9% pure silver bar
1 Kilo NZ Silver Bar
$909 (price is per kilo for orders of 1-4 kgs)
$891 (price is per kilo only for orders of 5 kgs or more)
Order Now Button
1oz PAMP Suisse 99.99% pure gold bar
PAMP Lunar Goat Gold Bar
1kg PAMP 99.9% pure silver bar
PAMP Silver
1oz Canadian Gold Maple 99.99% pure gold coin
Gold Maple
1oz Canadian Silver Maple 99.99% pure silver coin
(Minimum order size tube of 25 coins)

Silver Maple
Silver Box
Tube of 25 $811
Box of 500 $15,046
(Fully insured and delivered)
Order Now Button


  • Prices are excluding delivery
  • 1 Troy ounce = 31.1 grams
  • 1 Kg = 32.15 Troy ounces
  • Request special pricing for larger orders such as monster box of Canadian maple silver coins
  • Lower pricing for local gold orders of 10 to 29ozs and best pricing for 30 ozs or more.
  • Foreign currency options available so you can purchase from USD, AUD, EURO, GBP
  • Note: For local gold and silver orders your funds are deposited into our suppliers bank account. We receive a finders fee direct from them. Pricing is as good or sometimes even better than if you went direct.

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Our Mission

  1. To demystify the concept of protecting and increasing ones wealth through owning gold and silver in the current turbulent economic environment.
  2. To simplify the process of purchasing physical gold and silver bullion in NZ – particularly for first time buyers.

We look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a golden week! David (and Glenn)
GoldSurvivalGuide.co.nz Ph: 0800 888 465 From outside NZ: +64 9 281 3898 email: orders@goldsurvivalguide.co.nz
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The Legal stuff – Disclaimer: We are not financial advisors, accountants or lawyers. Any information we provide is not intended as investment or financial advice. It is merely information based upon our own experiences. The information we discuss is of a general nature and should merely be used as a place to start your own research and you definitely should conduct your own due diligence. You should seek professional investment or financial advice before making any decisions.

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1 thoughts on “A Sea-Change is Underway in Central Banks Attitude to Gold

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