Category Archives: Gold and Silver Videos

gold and silver videos

Here we feature videos on gold and silver and related topics.

We often summarise the content if you prefer not to watch the whole video. Plus give you our own views on the videos too.

Must read articles about the Gold Silver Videos

Gold Backing to Debt Ratio: A Reset Like in 1934 and 1980 Would Mean $21,000 Gold

Gold Backing to Debt Ratio: A Reset Like in 1934 and 1980 Would Mean $21,000 Gold

In this article you’ll learn about the gold backing to debt ratio. And what the gold price would need to be at today to match two previous periods of debt reset…

A Gold to Silver Ratio Video Update: Time to Favour Silver

A Gold to Silver Ratio Video Update: Time to Favour Silver

This video gives a detailed statistical analysis of the gold to silver ratio. It’s a different take to what we have written recently here: Using the Gold Silver Ratio to Time Buying Silver.

Silver Versus the World (and Exter’s Inverted Liquidity Pyramid)

Silver Versus the World (and Exter’s Inverted Liquidity Pyramid)

What is the value of all the silver in the world versus other assets? See a demonstration using a fantastic infographic. You’ll learn about Exter’s Inverted liquidity pyramid and why silver should be at the very bottom of this pyram

Presentation – Gold & Silver: Wealth Insurance with Upsid

Presentation – Gold & Silver: Wealth Insurance with Upside

See many of the reasons to buy gold and silver for protection. But also discover the potential upside that exists in these precious metals.

The Biggest Monetary Transformation Since WWII

The Biggest Monetary Transformation Since WWII

Every 30 to 40 years the world has a new monetary system. And the global dollar standard is the worst design of all these systems — yet it’s 45 years old. So it’s way overdue for its own demise. And when this one crumbles, everyone is going to feel it.

Dollar – The Greatest Pyramid Scheme Of All Tim

Dollar – The Greatest Pyramid Scheme Of All Time

Knowing your monetary history can help gain insight into where we may be heading. This video covers: The classical gold standard;  The impact of WWI and WWII; The transformation to the “Bretton Woods” standard; Nixons severing of the final link to gold of the US dollar; The current “Dollar Standard” and its inherent problems.

Latest Articles

Brexit: The Big Picture

Brexit Gold Price Reaction Mike Maloney discusses why he think the moves in global markets, currencies and also gold and silver may actually just be big over-reactions to all the fear mongering about the impact of the Brexit “leave” vote. He looks at:   Brexit: The Big Picture In this second video Maloney gives a good […]

The Brexit Conspiracy?

The Brexit Conspiracy Chris Duane in a discussion with Ken O’Keefe looks at whether the Brexit vote is simply Britain regaining it’s independence or something more sinister. They cover: Why there is no collectivist solution to collectivist problems. Who is actually behind this movement? A little background on the “independent” Nigel Farage – a banker […]

Discovering the “Road to Roota”

We’ve shared a bit of information from Bix Weir in the past. His theories are definitely out there but the world is a very strange place so who are we to say that he can’t be right? Bix Weir makes some very good arguments to back up his theory that Alan Greenspan is one of […]

Why Physical Cash Is Being Eliminated: Grant Williams

We have always enjoyed Grant Williams “Things That Make You Go Hmmm” newsletter. Always very witty and sharp. Here’s a great interview with him from the recent Mauldin SIC conference. He makes some great points about why he buys gold and what his considerations are. Such as: He doesn’t buy gold – he owns it […]

April Emergency Fed Meeting & Stock Market Top

Mike Maloney: The April Emergency The Fed Doesn’t Want You To Know About We thought this video was worth sharing as it covers a number of points we’ve read in the past few weeks from a number of different sources, but all in one hit. Full video is at the end, but here’s some of […]

Will Gold Holders be Vilified?

Max Keiser Interviews John Kim Of About The Latest In The Gold Market We’ve featured John Kim in these pages many times over the years. He was recently on the Keiser Report commenting on the gold market. As is often the case you have to put up with Keiser’s very wordy interviewing style where […]

Hugo Salinas Price – Gold Repriced at End of Contraction Phase


Why is Hugo Salinas Price our “favourite billionaire”? Because he is someone who has pushed, and continues to do so, for a change that will impact vastly more people for the better than the likes of Bill Gates who espouses population control and vaccines for third world nations. Or unlike Warren Buffet who is openly […]

Ronald Stoeferle: 2016 Will Be a Good Year For Gold Investors

Ronald Stoeferle, of Incrementum AG in Liechtenstein was recently interviewed by Lars Schall, a German reporter. They discussed this year’s prospects for gold, silver and mining shares; the still increasing gold demand in China; and a book that Stoeferle co-authored, “Austrian School for Investors – Austrian Investing Between Inflation and Deflation”. The full audio interview can be found […]