Jim Sinclair, chairman of Tanzanian Royalty, along with Bill Holter answer questions from subscribers of their website JSMineset.com.
You may want to skip ahead to the 12:40 minute mark as up until then they just discuss the “trolls” at a recent online company meeting of Tanzanian Royalty
Jim Sinclair discusses and answers questions such as:
- What could the trigger be for a global collapse?
- The possibility of a failure to deliver gold anywhere in the world on any paper exchange.
- The leverage of gold and silver – physical vs paper.
- Why truth trumps confidence.
- After the great reset if currencies were somehow tied to gold, will inflation of currencies still be possible and how might corporations base their forward earnings statements?
- What the “reset” might look like.
- The real reason why China and Russia are accumulating gold.
- Why currencies won’t be convertible.
- Why there won’t be a new Bretton Woods, but a new system will come out of the marketplace.
- Do FEMA camps exist?
- How will we know when to sell silver? Why maybe you won’t.
- Why gold should be in your bug out bag.
- If Trump were to turn to some form of gold backed dollar would that have the potential to change all of the bubbles we are now in?
- In a high inflationary scenario, how long will people have to convert a portion of their silver/gold holdings into cash before their loans are indexed?
- Why we won’t see an orderly bull market of rising prices in gold
- How gold and silver will be the ”last men standing”
- If the internet is taken down how do people keep “a tab on things?”
- Why bitcoin is a trial balloon for a cashless society.
- How you can’t lose anything in preparation – other than storage space in your house