It’s been a week of action and we’ve got lots of articles this week to try to keep up with it all.
Bubbly Ben managed to say just enough last Friday to keep everyone hoping there is more stimulus to come by mentioning they have a 2 day meeting in September instead of the usual 1 day. But if they don’t offer up more then it could be that markets react to the downside.
Then overnight Chicago Fed head Evans said he believed the Fed still needs to do more on monetary policy and gold immediately flew flew up $40 in an hour according to Zero Hedge
What a strange world it is when just a few men opening their mouths can have such dramatic effects on the markets! Hear that noise – it is us scratching our heads.
Actually on the subject of the Bernank and Co, we have an interesting chart in one of this weeks articles that shows that effectively “QE3 may have already started”
Also this week we have a conversation with Doug Casey on why he believes we may be “Exiting the eye of the storm“.
Gold has risen dramatically in just about every currency on the planet and there’s been plenty posturing that it has reached a bubble so this week we relooked at some of the measures we like to track to see if there is much to this argument. These include the Dow gold ratio and the NZ housing to gold ratio. So regardless of whether you’re new to gold or been around a while this one is definitely a must read. “Just checking: Is gold in a bubble?”
But if you’re a bit of a gold newbie then we have posted a lengthy video this week from Mike Maloney which covers all the reasons for having some gold insurance. If you’ve read our ecourse then this will be a good step on from that too with a bit more detail in many areas. Video is here.
David is standing by the phone as always waiting on your call if you’d like a quote or have any questions about any aspect of buying gold. We know it can be confusing for a first time buyer and we’re happy to do some hand holding. Ph 0800 888 465 or email
Have a great week!
David, Bill and Glenn.
Gold Survival Guide