Category Archives: How to Value Gold and Silver

How to Value Gold or Silver

This is the category that will help you determine how much upside there is ahead for gold and silver. Here we write about the Gold to Silver ratio, Housing to gold ratio and housing to silver ratios, and the Dow to Gold ratio.

It’s also the place to come to help determine when the time may come to sell gold and silver.

Must read articles about How to Value Gold and Silver

How do you value gold? What Price could it reach?

How Do You Value Gold | What Price Could it Reach?

Many people run into the problematic thinking that there is no way to value gold. The argument is that gold has no earnings and is of no productive use etc etc. And so therefore how can you place a value on it? You’ll see there is a methodology which simply looks at the percentage backing of the dollar at the current gold price.

Wages from Ancient Greece and NZ Housing Both Say Silver Undervalued by a Factor of 20

Wages from Ancient Greece and NZ Housing Both Say Silver Undervalued by a Factor of 20

Sounds amazing and at first glance seems quite unlikely we’d agree. But what labourers were paid in silver in ancient Greece, and New Zealand house prices when measured in silver, both show how very undervalued silver is currently. We’ll show just how eerily similar the resulting numbers are.

What is the Gold Silver Ratio_ Why is the Gold Silver Ratio at New Highs

What is the Gold Silver Ratio?

See what is the Gold / Silver ratio, and how it is used. Plus why the gold silver ratio is at new highs and and what it is telling us now.

Gold Cycles vs Property Cycles: When Will Gold Reach Peak Valuation?

Gold Cycles vs Property Cycles: When Will Gold Reach Peak Valuation?

The concept of long term cycles and how history at least rhymes, if not repeats, is really interesting topic. This article covers: Has NZ Property Peaked?; The 18 Year Real Estate Cycle; The Gold Bull Market 1970’s vs 2000 to Date; When Will Gold and Silver Reach their Peak Valuations? How Property Cycles and Gold Cycles Might Play Out in the Years to Come.

Gold Ratios Update: Dow/Gold, NZ Housing to Gold, & Gold/Silver Ratio?

Gold Ratios Update: Dow/Gold, NZ Housing to Gold, & Gold/Silver Ratio

Here’s a look at a number of gold and silver charts and gold ratios including: Shares versus Gold Ratio; Gold Silver Ratio and the Housing to Gold Ratio. They can all help determine how undervalued gold and silver may be.

Could Silver Be Worth More Than Gold?

Could Silver Be Worth More Than Gold? 

You may have heard about the increasing uses for silver in industrial applications. This is often used to argue that the price of silver will rise significantly and could equal or even overtake gold. Could this really happen?

Latest Articles

Gold Cycles vs Property Cycles in 2024: When Will Gold Reach Peak Valuation?

Gold Cycles vs Property Cycles: When Will Gold Reach Peak Valuation?

This article explores the fascinating world of historical cycles, outlining a potential timeline for when gold and silver might culminate their current growth phase and reach full valuation. It also looks at property cycles to see how these might interact and compare to precious metals cycles. This article covers: Where in the Real Estate Cycle […]

If New Zealand Introduces a Central Bank Digital Currency, How Will This Affect Gold and Silver


This article looks at the development of central bank digital currencies (CBDC) in New Zealand and around the world. It then explores how a CBDC might affect the value and use of gold and silver in New Zealand and around the world. What is a CBDC? A CBDC is a digital form of central bank […]

Silver Breakout or Silver Fakeout? – Where to Next for Silver in 2024?

Last week we wondered if NZ Dollar silver might have broken out of the multi-year consolidation pattern it had been in: “With the price today getting clearly above the downtrend line in this wedge or pennant formation. A clear break about the horizontal resistance line around $45 will confirm the next leg up in silver […]

How Do You Value Gold | What Price Could Gold Reach? 2024 Gold Price Prediction

How Do You Value Gold | What Price Could Gold Reach?

With gold breaking out to new all time highs in most currencies including the New Zealand dollar and US Dollar, this question from a reader is quite timely. They asked “What will the future resale value of gold be?” Or rather what they were really getting at, what price will gold likely reach in the […]

NZ Housing to Silver Ratio 1968 – Dec 2023 – Measuring NZ House Prices in Silver

The housing to silver ratio shows that when priced in silver, New Zealand median house prices have fallen almost 29% since 2003. But you’ll also see how history shows you could potentially buy a median priced house in New Zealand for only $48,404… You may have read our article on the NZ housing to gold […]

NZ Housing to Gold Ratio 1962 – Dec 2023: Measuring House Prices in Gold‎

NZ Housing to Gold Ratio: Measuring House Prices in Gold‎

The housing to gold ratio shows that when priced in gold, New Zealand median house prices have fallen 49% since 2005. See how history shows New Zealand house prices could fall 79% further yet… There’s always plenty of discussion in the mainstream media about where house prices are going. Given New Zealanders predilection for property […]

The NZD Gold Price vs Inflation: Analysing the Performance and Break-Even Potential

NZD Gold Price vs Inflation

One of our readers posed a question about the performance of the NZD gold price compared to inflation, along with the break-even timeframe for their investment. In response, we’ve delved into the data and created a chart that illustrates the NZ CPI Index vs the NZD gold price. In this article, we’ll examine the findings […]

What is the Gold Silver Ratio? What Might the Ratio Do in 2023 & Beyond?

What is the Gold Silver Ratio_ Why is the Gold Silver Ratio at New Highs

What is the gold silver ratio? Why is the gold silver ratio still at very high levels? In this post you’ll learn: What is the Gold Silver Ratio? The gold silver ratio is simply the price of an ounce of silver divided into the price of an ounce of gold. The resulting number shows how […]

Gold Backing to Debt Ratio: A Reset Like in 1934 and 1980 Would Mean $33,000 Gold

In this article you’ll learn about the gold backing to debt ratio. Along with what the gold price would need to be at today to match two previous periods of debt reset… How do you determine gold’s value? Or put another way what price should gold be at? In our view this is the wrong […]

What Price Could Silver Reach?


See how high the silver price could go. In this article you’ll discover a number of methods to reach a potential valuation for silver in the coming years including: Gold Price Projections A previous video of ours looked at the question – Is it Too Late to Buy Gold? We reviewed a number of ways […]