The Gold Survival Guide eCourse – Introduction

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“The Gold Survival Guide eCourse: Why Gold is your must have insurance and 9 ways to profit from it”

Introduction: This eCourse has 8 modules from which you’ll learn about the following key areas:

  • The root cause of the current “financial crisis”
  • Why it should be more correctly referred to as a “monetary crisis”
  • Little talked about details of the global banking system
  • How the system is structured to silently steal from you every year
  • The history of how the current structure arose
  • The role of debt in all this
  • Two other factors in play compounding these financial and banking problems
  • Golds role as your insurance policy
  • The real current value of gold and how to determine its potential future price
  • 9 ways to profit from Gold and the pros and cons of each
  • How much and what type of Gold you should own depending on your risk appetite

Don’t worry if that all sounds a bit too much to get you head around.

While some of these concepts may be new to you, we’ve purposefully kept them simple and each part is to the point and devoid of any unnecessary fluff.

You won’t read about much of this in the mainstream press and news.  And you certainly won’t have been taught any of these concepts in the educational system regardless of when you went to school or university for that matter!  So please read each module carefully as it will be crucial in ensuring your and your family’s financial survival in the current and ongoing period of significant worldwide change.

Who are we?

We are 2 Kiwi’s – that’s a local bird and colloquial term for New Zealanders 🙂  –  who, in total between us, have spent over 24 years of research and investment in the Gold sector.  We met at an investment dinner and immediately discovered we shared a similar outlook for where the world was heading.

Over the course of the evening we also discovered we shared a desire to inform others about this and how they too could protect themselves.  So within 2 hours we shook on it and decided to do something about it!

That’s what leads us to be here talking to you today. We write from personal experience and knowledge gleaned from a certain amount of trial and error.  So, over the 8 modules of the course, you’ll hear from all 3 of us (David and Glenn along with our former “partner in crime” Bill), depending on the nature of the topic, and the experience of each of us with it.

The purpose of this course is solely to educate and inform about aspects of today’s financial system that you won’t commonly hear about anywhere else. And to help you protect yourself and your family from the ongoing systemic breakdown.

Because we wish to include as much useful information as possible, we sincerely encourage your feedback and guarantee that you will receive a response from us.

Please email us at if you have any queries both during and after the course.

So first up in Module 1,  you’ll learn about the structure of the global banking system and how it naturally results in inflation…

Remember knowledge is the key to protection and profits!

Your partners at Gold Survival Guide.

David Deutsch and Glenn Thomas.

Disclaimer: We are not certified investment advisers and you should not construe what we write as personal investment advice but rather information of a general nature and as a basis for you to conduct further research.

2 thoughts on “The Gold Survival Guide eCourse – Introduction

  1. Pingback: What Good is a Bar of Gold When the Shelves are Empty?

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