Prof. Antal Fekete: The Interest – Episode 06/17


06/17 Prof. A. Fekete: The Interest

This is the sixth video (just 8 minutes long) from Professor Fekete in a series of 17 short videos.

(Here are links to the previous videos:

Prof. Antal Fekete: The Banking System – Episode 01/17

Prof. Antal Fekete: Money creation – Episode 03/17)

Prof. Antal Fekete: The Ignored Anniversary – Episode 04/17

Prof. Antal Fekete: The Positive Theory of Gold – Episode 05/17)

We’ve learnt a great deal from the Professor since first seeing him in Canberra back in 2009. And so we’ve featured much of the Professors writings, theories and interviews since then. These short videos are perhaps the most accessible we’ve seen of his work and so are highly recommended for those both new to the realm of the monetary metals, as well as those who have “been around the block”.

In this video the professor covers:

– What is ‘Interest’ and why it is one of the oldest problems in the human race?

– How Fekete took the ideas of Carl Menger and applied them to interest itself.

– What is the connection between ‘interest’ and ‘gold’?

– Why gold can be hoarded initially to build up capital, but in old age can be dishoarded bit by bit with efficiency to survive.

Professor Antal Fekete is a proponent of the gold standard and an outspoken critic of the monetary system based on irredeemable currency. His work falls into the school of free-market economic thought inspired by Carl Menger. He claims that his theory of interest is an extension of Menger’s work, who championed the theory of direct exchange morphing into indirect exchange. In the same way Professor Fekete is championing the theory of direct conversion of income into wealth and wealth into income (read: gold hoarding and dishoarding) morphing into indirect conversion (read: selling and buying gold bonds). Professor Antal Fekete is an advocate of Adam Smith’s Real Bills Doctrine that he calls the Gold Bills Doctrine.

See for more.

Here’s some other recommended articles we’ve featured from the Professor in the past:

Prof Fekete | 140 years of silver volatility

Prof Fekete: Why the Chinese Government is urging its people to buy gold and silver

Antal Fekete: Gold Backwardation and the Collapse of the Tacoma Bridge

Prof Fekete on Gold’s Fall: Who Said the Hydra Would Take it Lying Down?

Also check out the “Related Posts” just below for even more.

1 thoughts on “Prof. Antal Fekete: The Interest – Episode 06/17

  1. Pingback: 11/17 Prof. A. Fekete: The Ultimate Extinguisher of Debt - Gold Prices | Gold Investing Guide - Gold Prices | Gold Investing Guide

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