Prof Antal Fekete to lecture in Auckland

Professor Antal Fekete

If you’ve been a follower of ours for a while you may recall some of the comments that we have previously shared of and about Prof Antal Fekete:

Professor Fekete and the Armageddon Signal

Prof Fekete: Why is the Chinese Government urging its people to buy gold and silver?

Professor Fekete: Why Barrick Gold has ended Gold hedging

We attended a dinner last year in Auckland at which he spoke.  We were also privileged to attend a Conference of the Gold Standard Institute in Canberra last year at which he was the lead presenter.

Louis Boulanger, a friend of ours, has invited Professor Fekete here to New Zealand to give lectures on an “Unadulterated Gold Standard”.  Professor Fekete will be in Auckland, along with his assistant lecturers, for a Symposium on Sound Money during the week beginning on 15 November 2010.

The Symposium will consist of a series of one hour lectures, one each morning and one each afternoon, during the week from Monday 15 to Friday 19 November, each followed by a coffee break and then a Q&A session.  Here is a peek into the program:


Symposium of the New Austrian School of Economics in Auckland, New Zealand November 15-19, 2010


November 15.

a.m. Sound Money: Unadulterated Gold Standard

p.m. Unsound Money: Our Diseased Monetary Bloodstream


November 16.

a.m. Fiat Currency: Destroyer of Capital

p.m. Fiat Currency: Destroyer of Labor


November 17.

a.m. When Atlas Shrugged: the Lure and Lore of Risk-Free Profits

p.m. Gold and the Babeldom of the Debt Tower


November 18.

a.m. The Fall and Rise of the Gold Standard

p.m. Sound, Less Sound, Least Sound: The Unhappy Birthday of the Euro


November 19.

a.m. And God Created Gold

p.m. The Gold Standard Manifesto

Lecturers: Professor Antal E. Fekete (Hungary), Rudy Fritsch

(Canada), Sandeep Jaitly (U.K.), Peter Van Coppenolle (Belgium)


Professor Antal E. Fekete (Hungary) will be the principal lecturer and he will be assisted by Rudy Fritsch (Canada), Sandeep Jaitly (U.K.) and Peter Van Coppenolle (Belgium).  The Symposium will be held at the University of Auckland.  It will be possible to select exactly the lectures you wish to attend.  Of course, in our view – due to the timeliness of the material – and the extraordinary situation we find ourselves in at this present historical juncture, we strongly urge you to attend as many lectures as you can.  The cost (inclusive of GST of 15%) will vary accordingly:

NZ$115 per lecture; or

NZ$920 for the Symposium (10 lectures) – representing a 20% discount on the per lecture price

NZ$690 early-bird discount for the Symposium (10 lectures) – representing a 25% discount on the normal price

The early-bird discount of 25% means a price of NZ$690 if you book and pay for the full Symposium before the 15 October 2010.  After this date the price reverts to NZ$920.


The professor is a mathematician but also a monetary scientist and a true student of monetary history. Being pretty well versed on gold and its history, we nonetheless have learnt many, many new facts about gold and its history in the global monetary system from the Professor. We strongly support his endeavours; like ourselves, he  is a diligent student of gold as money. He has been a Prophet in the Wilderness these many years past.

Our take is that he is a man of true principles and what he does in discussing an “Unadulterated Gold Standard” is based purely upon a desire for a better more balanced world.  He is not peddling any products or services, merely sharing his views based upon serious study of monetary history.

If you would like to further your knowledge on gold and its role as the only true sound money, we would highly recommend you consider attending.  If not the full week’s lectures, then pick out a few of the titles of the lectures that speak to you the loudest.

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask the Professor and the other speakers anything on your mind in a question and answer session after every lecture.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals.  As you may know, it can be a lonely life being a follower (freak!) of gold.  We’ve actually had a number of questions in the past about any networking options that exist for our readers – this would be a great one to take advantage of.

In fact, there will be people attending from all over the planet.  At the Canberra conference we attended last year there were people from Asia, Europe, USA and Canada and from all walks of life that had one thing in common – they cared deeply about the precarious state of the planets financial system today and wanted to learn more.

It will be a rare chance to gather locally with like-minded individuals.

If you’d like to attend one, a few, or all of the lectures, or if you would like further information please email Louis Boulanger at:

To take up the early bird discount bank your $690 into the following account and email Louis to notify him.  Please quote your name as the reference when paying by internet banking.

Account number: 02-0261-0037952-000

Account name : Symposium for Sound Money

You can find more information on Professor Fekete and his NewAustrian School of Economics here:

Plus there is an interview on TV3 from his last visit here:

And one on National Radio here:

2 thoughts on “Prof Antal Fekete to lecture in Auckland

  1. Pingback: Prof Fekete Interviewed by Max Keiser | Gold Prices | Gold Investing Guide

  2. Pingback: Why Fractional Reserve Banking is Not the Problem

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