Tag Archives: buy silver coins

COVID-19, War & Inflation Makes Us Wonder: What Use Will Silver Coins be in New Zealand in a Currency Collapse?

The uncertainty brought about by COVID-19 highlighted the important role that cash plays in times of economic uncertainty. More recently the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and higher than normal inflation rates have also made us think about the role of cash and then also silver coins in a currency crisis… International Reaction to Russian Invasion […]

What is the Best Type of Gold to Buy For Trading in a Currency Collapse?

Prior to the Corona-panic, most people probably hadn’t given much thought to the potential of a currency collapse in developed world countries, such as New Zealand. But with even the once conservative Reserve Bank of New Zealand joining the currency printing/quantitative easing brigade in 2020, the idea of a currency collapse might not seem so […]

Optimist or Pessimist on Silver?

Before making any financial decision it’s always a good idea to consider both sides of the story. Silver is no different. Poor man’s gold has pros and cons and there are definitely better times to buy silver. Here’s two contrary arguments with an optimists and a pessimists view on silver currently…   Optimist or Pessimist […]