Tag Archives: central banks

Bank Failures: Will New Zealand be Cyprussed?


Unless you’ve been under a rock (or without broadband and TV for 3 days like me!) you will have no doubt heard about the “bail in” of banks via bank depositors in the small island nation of Cyprus. The proposal (which has since been voted down) was to tax – a.k.a. steal funds – up […]

What’s Wrong With the RBNZ’s Bank Failure Plans?

What happens if a bank fails in New Zealand? If your bank failed tomorrow, what would happen? Who knows is the current answer. If it was a small bank the government may leave it to the statutory managers and so depositors might get wiped out completely if the bank was devoid of assets. But, if […]

Why the Greens Are Wrong About Money Printing

Everyone Else is Printing Why Shouldn’t We? You’ve no doubt heard the Greens theory announced this week that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) should print money to buy $2 billion dollars worth of Canterbury reconstruction bonds and overseas assets. Their theory being we will restock the Governments Disaster Fund and lower the NZD […]