What We Stand For and Why
Last week we announced some planned improvements and new services here at GoldSurvivalGuide. Many of these new features have come about as a result of feedback from you.
This feedback included many compliments on our research and articles. So this has lead us to get clearer on exactly what we are doing, why we are doing it and what we stand for.
So today we’d like to explain our recently refined mission…
First a Little Bit of History
To understand our mission first we have to go back in time a little to 2008. This is when the founders of GoldSurvivalGuide, David and Glenn, first met. It was at an investment dinner here in Auckland, where the chief economist of Casey Research, Bud Conrad, was speaking.
We got to discussing the lack of New Zealand focused gold and silver information online. So we shook on it at the end of the night and decided to do something about this.
As a result of that handshake, the GoldSurvivalGuide website was launched a few months later in mid 2009.
The name wasn’t intended to sound as apocalyptic as it perhaps does!
Precious metals often seem very confusing to the novice. So we set about creating the “Survival Guide” for all things gold and silver. To demystify the sometimes confusing and conflicting world of gold and silver.
Gold and silver are of course financial or wealth insurance, so they could potentially also help you “survive” a financial crisis or collapse. But the name wasn’t actually chosen for this reason.

We didn’t start supplying physical gold and silver until around a year later. This was after receiving many questions like: How do you buy? What should I pay? Who should I trust?
So the point of that bit of history is that we started out as an information site.
Since 2010 we’ve sold gold and silver bullion, but we have continued to provide as much information as possible.
Recently we decided to really step up this information and education side of things. Earlier this month we launched a silver coin award for the best question we receive each month. Done with the aim of finding out what else people wanted to learn about.
We Then Realised We Should Update Our Mission and Spell It Out
We are passionate about educating people about the need for wealth protection. We want to make more people aware of the changes going on with money today, and those changes still likely to come to the monetary system.
We’ve often written how when you peel back the layers of various problems and challenges in the world today, the current centrally controlled monetary system is almost always at the heart of these issues. But yet most people are completely ignorant about what money is and how it is created. Or how the monetary system is set up to silently steal from them year after year.
We want to change this.
Our simpler clearer mission is now:
Global education about wealth protection and monetary change.

Our Motto/ Creed:
We educate first. Sell gold and silver second.
Our Values:
Integrity above all else.
Our clients needs come first before profit.
We’ll always offer you the best product for you, not the product we make the most profit on.
Maintaining the Mission
So how does this mission of global education about wealth protection and monetary change gel with making money ourselves?
The money we make enables us to keep pursuing our mission.
Making more money gives us more time to write articles and content about “real money” – gold and silver. We can come up with new ways and means to spread the word across the country and the world (we have many international readers too – Hello if you’re one of them!).
In short by making more money we can at the same time have a bigger impact.
Educate Your Friends and Family on the Need to Diversify
If our mission gels with you, then help spread the word.
With property at record prices now is a very good time for people to consider diversifying some of their wealth into uncorrelated assets like gold and silver. The only assets with no counter-party risk.
So help spread the word. Share our research articles and other content.
All our articles have a “Share the Knowledge” at the end like this…
So just click to share any articles you think may be useful via social media or email/gmail.
If you know someone who may be interested then you could send them a link to one of our introductory articles such as these two:
Why Buy Gold? https://goldsurvivalguide.co.nz/why-buy-gold/
Why Buy Silver? https://goldsurvivalguide.co.nz/why-buy-silver/
Or have them check out our free Gold eCourse. https://goldsurvivalguide.co.nz/category/free-ecourse/ Where they’ll learn about how the monetary system is structured and how we’re living in a very unique period in history.
We have other plans in the pipeline to further our mission. So stay tuned for more details to come in the next few weeks.
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